F&F Web Solutions Contractual Agreement The monthly reoccurring fee is a subscription fee, thus once the monthly fee is no longer being paid all products and serves provided no longer belong to the customer but ownership returns to F&F LLC. The subscription fee covers hosting (space on our server including resources being used), site build, domain name (unless one is provided to us by the customer), monthly maintenance of website and any other responsibilities related to fulfillment of said. F&F LLC owns all the domain names, unless one was given to us by the customer or is purchased directly via F&F. In which case ownership will be returned to the customer, (transfer fee to your domain registrar applies, rates vary depending on registrar). Upon cancellation or lack of payment on the subscription fee the rights to the domain return to F&F LLC. Thus we reserve the right to sell the domain name to the customer or to any interested buyer at a price that is determined by us. As well we reserve the right to do our own advertisement on said site, this is all considering that the customer has cancelled their subscription and the 30 day cancellation period has passed. F&F owns the website build and all the content on said site. With the exception of photos or product images which may or may not hold copyrights. We are �Not� responsible for copyrighted images used on said site, thus all legal actions are to be taken up with the customer who contracted the initial build and is advertising the sale of said product/services. F&F is not responsible to verify whether a customer is an authorized distributor of any major brand. F&F is not held to customer�s standard on site build, thus any desired modifications outside of what F&F LLC considers to be reasonable will come at an hourly web designers rate. This rate can vary depending on the coding language and the complexity of the job. If any disagreements arise and a mutual consensus cannot be reached F&F has full rights to break said contract without notice or questions asked. The customer also has the right to cancel at anytime; in which time the 30 day cancellation period will come into effect. Customer will be responsible for paying the full month if the 30 cancellation trails into the following month further than 72 hours. F&F will be automatically deducting the agreed upon amount from provided Credit/Debit account on file on the day prior to the anniversary date. The anniversary date is set when the first payment is made to F&F LLC.